M Y S T E R Y P L A C E S . N E T
mystery novels with a sense of place

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This site now includes 345 authors, 64 countries and multi-country regions, 45 U.S. states, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia.

Featured Authors
Around the World | In the USA

Read and Recommended
For a few months, I had time to note specific books that I read and recommended. I had to stop for lack of time. If time is available, this section will resume.
2010: Jan|Feb|Mar
2009: Jan-Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec
2008: Jul-Dec

Mystery Places: Mystery Novels with a Sense of Place


If you like mystery novels with a good sense of place, this is the site for you.

There are more than a thousand books for you to browse by place or by author's name, with links for you to buy or just find out more about the authors. More about this site

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Today's Featured Author: Conor Brady

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Search Amazon for this author: Conor Brady  
Search Bookshop.org for this author: Conor Brady

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Around the World | In the United States

Update June 2020

All the links to Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk previously on this site have now been replaced or will soon be replaced with links to the new nonprofit https://bookshop.org, which provides income from every sale to independent bookstrores around the United States as well as to affiliates such as http://www.africafocus.org. As of this month, bookshop.org had raised over $4.5 million for local bookstores.

You can also shop bookshop.org for any author or book with the search box immediately below.

If you do not locate an author you are searching for at bookshop.org, or need a e-book version, which is not yet available there. you can check Amazon.com. AfricaFocus also gets a small commission from such sales as well.

Is the Mystery Novel Going Global?

by William Minter, May 2010

Author's note: I wrote this short essay at the request of the blog CriminalBrief.com, where it was first published in two parts on May 18 and May 25, 2010. The links in this file go to Amazon.com.

Sweden's Lisbeth Salander and Botswana's Precious Ramotswe may have little else in common. But these fictional detectives created by Stieg Larsson and Alexander McCall Smith are both harbingers of a trend which is gathering force: the globalization of the mystery novel. Along with the familiar scenes of English villages, London and Manhattan streets, and Los Angeles freeways, airport kiosks around the world feature books set in cold Nordic landscapes and African cities, in the high mountains of Tibet and in Brazil's Amazon. more ...