M Y S T E R Y P L A C E S . N E T
mystery novels with a sense of place

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This site now includes 345 authors, 64 countries and multi-country regions, 45 U.S. states, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia.

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Read and Recommended
For a few months, I had time to note specific books that I read and recommended. I had to stop for lack of time. If time is available, this section will resume.
2010: Jan|Feb|Mar
2009: Jan-Feb|March|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec
2008: Jul-Dec

Mystery Writers: SHANGHAI

Xiao Bao
Search Bookshop.org for Xiao Bao
Search Wikipedia for Xiao Bao

David Rotenberg
Search Bookshop.org for David Rotenberg
Search Wikipedia for David Rotenberg

Qiu Xiaolong
Search Bookshop.org for Qiu Xiaolong
Search Wikipedia for Qiu Xiaolong

Qiu Xiaolong
Search Bookshop.org for Qiu Xiaolong
Search Wikipedia for Qiu Xiaolong

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